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vector graphics

См. также в других словарях:

  • Vector graphics — This article is about computer illustration. For other uses, see Vector graphics (disambiguation). Example showing effect of vector graphics versus raster graphics. The original vector based illustration is at the left. The upper right image… …   Wikipedia

  • vector graphics — a method of electronically coding graphic images so that they are represented in lines rather than fixed bit maps, allowing an image, as on a computer display screen, to be rotated or proportionally scaled. * * * ▪ computer science… …   Universalium

  • vector graphics — vektorinė grafika statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Atskirų objektų vaizdavimas atkarpomis nurodant jų kryptį ir ilgį (↑vektoriais). Taip dažniausiai vaizduojamos geometrinės figūros, pavyzdžiui, linijos, daugiakampiai, ovalai. Vektorinės… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Vector graphics editor — A screenshot of the xfig vector graphics editor A screenshot of the …   Wikipedia

  • Vector graphics markup language — A vector graphics markup language is a markup language that describes an image at a higher level than a bitmap in terms of lines, curves, and other vector graphics primitives.The list of vector graphics markup languages includes * Computer… …   Wikipedia

  • vector graphics — noun the use of geometrical primitives based upon mathematical equations to represent images in computer graphics …   Wiktionary

  • vector graphics —    See object oriented graphics …   Dictionary of networking

  • Vector graphics — Векторная графика …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • vector graphics — graphic picture created by mathematical formulas …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Vector graphics —   Images made on a computer which are created from curves and lines rather from dots. See also Bitmap image …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • vector graphics — vec′tor graph′ics n. cmp a method of electronically coding graphic images so that they are represented in lines rather than fixed bit maps, allowing an image, as on a computer display screen, to be rotated or proportionally scaled …   From formal English to slang

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